Hello and welcome to my web site . I am Wayne and I have been in the amusement display industry for well over 30 years and have designed fronts , centerpieces for rides and various fiberglass figures . I can do themes from cute and cuddly to the uneasiness of figures and environments for dark rides . As a display artist I have learned , through the years , that advertising gets people to the amusement park but how it looks and feels is what brings them back . My goal is to not only make the guest’s experience as enjoyable as possible but also to bring them back. Looks are very, very important .
I am currently director of art and creativity at an amusement park in Ocean City , New Jersey named Gillian’s Wonderland Pier . I have worked here full time since 1989 . My start in display work was in a business named Amusement Display which was owned by a man named Bill Tracy . He is rather well known among old timers in the business . I worked there from 1974 through 1976 after which I worked a year at Pontchartrain Beach amusement park in New Orleans . Later I worked at Fun Pier in Wildwood N.J. and did contractor work for several parks until later joining with Wonderland Pier . Please enjoy the pictures I have shared here of my work .
My contact email is Jsyartist@yahoo.com or look for me at Wonderland Pier I would be glad to share some time with you.